


両方とも前のリビジョン 前のリビジョン
en:start [2024/10/17 12:58] – [Tatsukawa Laboratory, Department of Information Science, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo University of Science] laben:start [2025/01/18 07:01] (現在) – [News] lab
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 ==== News ==== ==== News ====
 +  * 2025-1-15 <label type="success">Conference</label> K. Takigawa gave a presentation at [[https://plasma-actuators.jp/ja/?%E3%82%B7%E3%83%B3%E3%83%9D%E3%82%B8%E3%82%A6%E3%83%A0|the 11th Prasma Actuator Workshop]].
 +  * 2024-12-13 <label type="success">Conference</label> Assistant Professor Aoki gave a presentation at [[https://www.cc.okayama-u.ac.jp/~surisys/eis/8th_eis.html|8th Continual Learning and Emergence of Intelligent Systems]].
 +  * 2024-12-13 <label type="success">Conference</label> Prof. Tatsukawa gave a presentation at [[https://www.sc.cc.tohoku.ac.jp/wssp38/ja/index.html|38th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance(WSSP38)]]
 +  * 2024-12-11 <label type="success">Conference</label> Obayashi, Takigawa, Tan gave a presentation at [[https://www2.nagare.or.jp/cfd/cfd38/index.html|CFD38]].
 +  * 2024-12-06 <label type="warning">Article</label> The collaborative research with Technopro Design Inc. has been featured in a [[https://www.technopro.com/design/news/9769/|news release]](in japanese).
 +  * 2024-10-23 <label type="success">Conference</label> K. Takigawa, a second-year master student, gave a presentation at [[https://www.jsae.or.jp/2024aki/english/index.php|2024 JSAE Congress (Autumn)]]. <WRAP>
 +{{popup> :news:2024-10-23-jigikai.jpg?300 }}
 +  * 2024-10-23 <label type="success">Talk</label> Prof. Tatsukawa gave a presentation at [[https://www.m2msg.org/?page_id=3186|Study Group on M2M/IoT]].
   * 2024-09-27 <label type="success">Conference</label> W. Obayashi, a second-year Ph.D student, gave a presentation at JSFM 2024.   * 2024-09-27 <label type="success">Conference</label> W. Obayashi, a second-year Ph.D student, gave a presentation at JSFM 2024.
 +  * 2024-09-19 <label type="success">ResearchGroup</label> The Digital Twin for Manufacturing Research Group has been established within [[https://www.jsme.or.jp/cmd/index-e.html|the Computational Mechanics Division of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers]].
   * 2024-09-11 <label type="success">Conference</label> K. Sekine, a third-year Ph.D student, gave a presentation at ICAS 2024.   * 2024-09-11 <label type="success">Conference</label> K. Sekine, a third-year Ph.D student, gave a presentation at ICAS 2024.
   * 2024-09-09 <label type="success">Conference</label> T. Kevin, a second-year master student, gave a presentation at JSME 2024.   * 2024-09-09 <label type="success">Conference</label> T. Kevin, a second-year master student, gave a presentation at JSME 2024.
   * 2024-08-11 <label type="info">Event</label> TUS open campus was held at the Katsushika campus.   * 2024-08-11 <label type="info">Event</label> TUS open campus was held at the Katsushika campus.
   * 2024-07-25 <label type="success">Talk</label> Prof. Matsuo gave a presentation at [[https://www.rockwellautomation.com/ja-jp/events/digital-engineering-and-digital-twins.html|Digital Design Tech Days Japan]].    * 2024-07-25 <label type="success">Talk</label> Prof. Matsuo gave a presentation at [[https://www.rockwellautomation.com/ja-jp/events/digital-engineering-and-digital-twins.html|Digital Design Tech Days Japan]]. 
-  * 2024-07-17 <label type="success">Conference</label> T. Kevin, a second-year master student, gave a presentation at ICCFD 2024.+  * 2024-07-17 <label type="success">Conference</label> T. Kevin, a second-year master student, gave a presentation at ICCFD 2024.<WRAP> 
 +{{popup> :news:2024-07-17-ICCFD.png?400 }} 
   * 2024-07-05 <label type="warning">Article</label> [[https://www.technopro-do.com/corporate-activities/group/156866/|An article]] about last year's class session, where students learned Emulate3D, was posted on the web (in Japanese).   * 2024-07-05 <label type="warning">Article</label> [[https://www.technopro-do.com/corporate-activities/group/156866/|An article]] about last year's class session, where students learned Emulate3D, was posted on the web (in Japanese).
   * 2024-06-07 <label type="success">Conference</label> T. Kevin, a second-year master student, gave a presentation at ECCOMAS 2024.<WRAP>   * 2024-06-07 <label type="success">Conference</label> T. Kevin, a second-year master student, gave a presentation at ECCOMAS 2024.<WRAP>
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   * 2024-04-01 <label type="primary">New Member</label>  Ten new 4th-year undergraduate students have joined our lab.   * 2024-04-01 <label type="primary">New Member</label>  Ten new 4th-year undergraduate students have joined our lab.
   * 2024-03-18 <label type="info">Event</label> Seven undergraduate and seven master's students celebrated their graduation at [[https://www.nipponbudokan.or.jp/english|the Nippon Budokan]]. {{mdi>camera-outline}} <WRAP> {{ :news:2024-03-18-graduation-celemony.jpg?nolink&400 |}} </WRAP>   * 2024-03-18 <label type="info">Event</label> Seven undergraduate and seven master's students celebrated their graduation at [[https://www.nipponbudokan.or.jp/english|the Nippon Budokan]]. {{mdi>camera-outline}} <WRAP> {{ :news:2024-03-18-graduation-celemony.jpg?nolink&400 |}} </WRAP>
-  * 2023-12-17 <label type="success">Conference</label> T. Uenaka, a second-year master student, gave a presentation at [[https://www2.nagare.or.jp/cfd/cfd37/|the 37th CFD Symposium (Domestic Conference)]]. 
-  * 2023-12-17 <label type="success">Conference</label> Q. Zhang, a second-year master student, gave a presentation at [[https://www.cc.okayama-u.ac.jp/~surisys/eis/6th_eis.html|the 6th Continual Learning and Emergence of Intelligent Systems(CLEIS) (Domestic Conference)]]. 
-  * 2023-12-10 <label type="success">Conference</label> Prof. Matsuo and Dr. Asada presented a poster at [[https://meetings.informs.org/wordpress/wsc2023/|2023 Winter Simulation Conference(WSC2023)]].{{mdi>camera-outline}} ++ open | <WRAP> 
-{{popup> :news:2023-12-10-ieeewsc1.png?300 }}{{popup> :news:2023-12-10-ieeewsc2.png?300 }} 
-  * 2023-11-29 <label type="warning">Publication</label> At the Robot-Aerospace Fest Fukushima 2023 Exhibition, Prof. Matsuo was featured in [[https://www.nhk.or.jp/fukushima/lreport/article/002/75/|an article of NHK Fukushima(written in Japanese)]]. 
-  * 2023-10-26 <label type="success">Talk</label> Prof. Matsuo gave a presentation at [[https://www.ssken.gr.jp/MAINSITE/event/2023/20231026-joint/index.html|the Joint Meeting of the Scientific Systems Research Society]]. ++ open | <WRAP> 
-{{popup> :news:2023-10-26-SSSympo.png?300 }} 
-  * 2023-09-24 <label type="info">Event</label> TUS Open Campus - Autumn Session(Katsushika Campus) and the 10th Anniversary of the Katsushika Campus were held. 
-  * 2023-09-19 <label type="success">Talk</label> Prof. Fujii's last lecture at TUS was held in our laboratory. 
-  * 2023-08-09 <label type="info">Event</label> TUS open campus was held at the Katsushika campus. We introduced our laboratory to visitors. 
-  * 2023-07-20 <label type="warning">Publication</label> An interview with Masahiro Sekine, a second-year doctoral student, appeared in the July 20, 2023 issue of the Tokyo University of Science Bulletin (No. 230) [[https://www.tus.ac.jp/about/information/publication/magazine/file/no230.pdf|pdf(written in Japanese)]] {{mdi>camera-outline}} ++ open | 
-{{ news:2023-07-20-sekine-interview.png?nolink&300 }} 
-  * 2023-06-13 <label type="danger">Award</label> Prof. Fujii received[[https://www.aiaa.org/get-involved/honors-awards/awards/award/award-fluid-dynamics-award|Fluid Dynamics Award]] at AIAA Aviation 2023 in San Diego. {{mdi>camera-outline}} ++ open | <WRAP> 
-{{ news:2023-06-13-aiaa-award.jpg?nolink&400 |}} 
-  * 2023-06-01 <label type="warning">Publication</label> Our laboratory was featured in the June issue of Science Forum (Vol. 435). (In Japanese) ++ open | <WRAP> 
-{{ news:2023-06-01-forum.png?nolink&300 |}} 
-  * 2023-05-18 <label type="success">Talk</label> Prof. Fujii gave a keynote lecture at the event presented by Rockwell Automation. 
-  * 2023-04-01 <label type="primary">New Member</label> Mr. Hiroki Sakata at Nabtesco Corp. has joined our lab as a contract researcher. He will stay one year from now. 
-  * 2023-04-01 <label type="warning">Accept</label> Wataru Obayashi, a first-year ph.D student, has been selected as a [[https://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-pd/index.html|JSPS Research Fellow (DC1)]]. 
-  * 2023-04-01 <label type="primary">New Member</label> Seven new 4th-year undergraduate students have joined our lab. 
-  * 2023-04-01 <label type="primary">New Member</label> Dr. Takuto Ogawa joined our lab as a postdoctral research fellow. 
-  * 2023-03-19 <label type="danger">Award</label> Wataru Obayashi, a second-year master's student, received the Outstanding Student Award for his excellent research. {{mdi>camera-outline}} ++ open | {{ :news:2023-03-19-obayashi-award-s.png?nolink&250 |}} ++ 
-  * 2023-03-19 <label type="info">Event</label> The graduation ceremony was held at the [[https://www.nipponbudokan.or.jp/english|Nippon Budokan]], where seven undergraduates, one master's student, and one doctoral student graduated.{{mdi>camera-outline}}++ open | {{ :news:2023-03-19-graduation-celemony.png?nolink&400 |}} ++ 
-  * 2023-02-20 <label type="danger">Award</label> Prof. Fujii received [[https://www.aiaa.org/get-involved/honors-awards/awards/award/award-fluid-dynamics-award|2023 AIAA Fluid Dynamics Award]]. {{mdi>information-outline}} ++ open | <WRAP> 
-**AIAA Citation:** For many pioneering contributions to robust and efficient computational algorithms and their application to solve major industrial challenges using leading-edge supercomputers. 
 +<TEXT align="right">* Click the {{news:fold-icon.png?nolink}} icon on the right to expand all the collapsed information.</TEXT>
 [[pastnews|Past News]] [[pastnews|Past News]]