1. Dr. A. Toyoda (Asia Pacific Technical Office, Intelligent Light) : Intelligent Light
  2. Assistant Professor S. Sekimoto (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Ueda Lab.)
  3. Principal Researcher K. Asada : (Research Unit III of Engineering & Digital Innovation Center, JAXA)
  1. S. Kono


  1. K. Sekine


  1. W. Obayashi


  1. T. Kevin
  2. K. Takigawa


  1. T. Oyama
  1. S. Ishiguro
  2. A. Otsuka
  3. R. Otagiri
  4. Y. Kosuge
  5. R. Chiba
  6. R. Tsuchiya
  7. N. Nakamura
  8. N. Hayashi
  9. N. Mukoyoshi
  10. Y. Yamazaki